Family Relationship Part V

The plan of the redemption of the human race from the bondage and slavery of the devil was conceived and delivered on the platform of love. Our scriptural focus for today states – Husbands, love your wives [be affectionate and sympathetic with them] and do not be harsh or bitter or resentful toward them. {Col 3:19 NLT}

The bible expects every wife to be submissive to her own husband, but it still does not determine the love of the husband to his wife. The love of the husband for his wife is expected by God to be unconditional, the same way Christ loved the world unconditionally and gave Himself for her redemption.

There is the human tendency to be harsh or bitter or even to be resentful towards your wife as a husband but you must always remember that you are now a new creation in Christ and a such should be Christlike in your behaviour/actions towards your wife. That the husband and his wife were not raised from the same background and by the same parents, will make them see things differently and this is the basis for disagreements in most homes.

Disagreements or disappointments from your wife should not make you the husband to either be harsh, bitter or resentful against her. Let divine knowledge be your guiding principle as you daily relate with your wife.

It is wisdom to see difference in your wife.

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you.
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Deceleration: I affirm that Christ has given me the keys of David to open the doors to my fulfilment this year – Hallelujah

Last modified: January 4, 2018