Today we continue on the series – Raising godly Children in an Ungodly World. Its no longer news that christian families are faced with systems that are hostile to Christian values, and they increasingly find themselves searching for answers and strategies to be more effective in raising their children according to Gods standard. Most christian parents want to ensure their children have a strong foundation of biblical faith and understanding. Follow us in this series and may the Holy Spirit give you insight.

4. Couples Must Be on the Same Page
One of the common sources of marital strife is disagreements concerning the upbringing of children. To successfully parent children,  the father and mother must learn to be on the same page on all issues. If parents must disagree on any issue that effects the upbringing of their children, they must ensure it is done in private and not before their children. As we have previously stated, that common page Must be the Word of God. Consider this phrase – “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” The obvious answer is – No! Parents must make a commitment to search the Scriptures and read biblically based books that will help them to be in harmony. If parents are not in agreement, their children will skillfully manipulate them to always have their way.

Presenting a common front is inevitable.

Have a Grace filled day – Good News awaits you.
Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: March 5, 2016