The man provides leadership in the home not because he is superior to the woman or because the woman is inferior to him the man. It is a divine assignment given to the man by God. When the man and woman recognize this truth, there will not be power tussle in the home. The man will also not use his position to intimidate, bully or oppress his wife and children. The wife will in turn submit willingly to Gods leadership through the man. There will be mutual love and respect in such home.

Gods decision for the man to provide leadership in the home was also not based on his physical stature {masculine nature}nor was it on his spirituality. God is a God of order and didn’t want chaos in the home, and also because someone must provide leadership over one of His works on the earth, the man was saddled with that responsibility.

Hear Gods advice – The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. {2 Sam 23:3  Kjv}

godly leadership + submission + good followership = Success

Have a Grace filled day

Twitter, Instagram – @PastorIhu

Last modified: June 8, 2015