Fully Established Part IV

Beloved, falsehood is the greatest enemy of the church of God and our individual faith in Christ, flee from all appearance of it. Our scriptural focus for today states – Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. {Col 2:8 NLT}
It is your personal responsibility to both identity the Truth of God’s word and to daily practice that Truth because that will be the grounds to resist the deceptions/manipulations of the devil that is currently going on in the world and in the church today.
If the foundation of your spiritual development is not strongly rooted in Christ, that will give birth to a faith that is daily growing on the truth of God’s undiluted word, you may be setting yourself up to be a victim of the empty and deceptive philosophies that sound religious. These things were already in existence in the days of Apostle Paul for which the Holy Spirit was warning the Colossian brethren of the dangers of going in such direction.
Based on this revealed truth, it is obvious that these empty and deceptive philosophies making waves in our generation is not peculiar to our generation alone but have been there for ages. The same Red Alert the Holy Spirit send to those who were here before us, the same if not more He is equally sending to us in this generation saying – Don’t allow the devil through any human capture you with these empty and deceptive philosophies. In essence, nobody can force you in believing these empty and deceptive philosophies, rather it will be by your own choice, so the Holy Spirit is saying to you no matter how beautiful and sweet it is presented, don’t give them access into your mind/spirit.

Deception is by choice and not by compulsion

Have a Grace filled day – Good new awaits you.
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Prayer – I Declare I have spiritual wisdom and insight, therefore am growing daily in the knowledge of Christ – Hallelujah.

Last modified: August 7, 2017