Fully Established Part V

Beloved, consistency in unbroken fellowship with the Holy Spirit will definitely lead to growth in your spiritual development. Our scriptural focus for today states – Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. {Col 2:8 NLT}
The mind/heart and the human spirit is the center of all spiritual activities in the human body. This is also the source of all human decisions and behaviour, so whoever or whatever controls it determines the direction of your life. It will be important to emphasize that mental/spiritual captivity is the greatest and most dangerous form of captivity the devil labours very hard to bring humans into on this earth.
Therefore the Holy Spirit is saying to you don’t allow the devil through any means capture your mind/spirit. No wonder the scripture said – Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. {Prov 4:23 NLT}
The source of these empty and deceptive philosophies that are making waves in some Christian quarters today is not from Christ but from the devil, and they are labouring very hard to create confusion in the believe system of the church.
Beloved many are been deceived because we think that it is the ministry name or CV of a preacher that validates his/her message, No it is not the truth rather it is to the extent to which his/her message is consistent with the written word of God and the witness of the Holy Spirit that validates every message in the body of Christ.

The devil is the source of these empty philosophies

Have a Grace filled day – Good news awaits you
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Prayer – I Declare that my mind/heart is flooded now with divine light, therefore I have understanding into the hope and glorious inheritance I have in Christ – Hallelujah

Last modified: August 8, 2017