Did you know it doesn’t take a greater amount of the Holy Spirit, and of course, anointing, to raise the dead than it takes to heal a headache?



If this is true, and of course, it’s true; why then do you not raise the dead? Why do you feel healing of cancer is for the “big” men of God while you manage to pray for the guy with malaria?

Here’s one of the whys….

Many times we condemn ourselves (declare ourselves unfit for use). We feel we are not big enough to do it, we declare ourselves unfit for use by God to bring forth such miracles, because, they’ve been so ‘highly exalted’ that we feel we also have to do some ‘highly exalted’ activities to be able to do such miraculous. And these activities we have been told is PAYING THE PRICE!

Many have even called it THE HIGH PRICE FOR THE ANOINTING.
Price indeed? What price exactly would you pay that is so greater than the price Jesus Paid to give us the most valuable gift of all time – SALVATION?

And if God withholds ‘the anointing’ from you because you have not “paid your high price”, that means He can give you the best of heaven – Christ Jesus, but definitely not anointing; that would make the so called anointing better, and yes, more superior than Jesus (Romans 8:32).

Let’s even look at what we call ‘Paying the Price for the anointing.’
Now, did you know that you call HIGH PRICE FOR THE ANOINTING, is literally, FELLOWSHIP WITH the HOLY SPIRIT.

You spend time with your Heavenly Father in fellowship, like you finished enjoying Dad, you finished having fun with your dearest Heavenly Father, and you call that High Price you have paid?

Why not leave it as simple as the scriptures have made it – Fellowship / Communion ‘with Dad’.

Did you know that no such word like paying the price for the anointing appeared in all of the New Testament? Not even in the Old Testament.

And many times when we use these words, and of course, many will now talk about how they had to spend 100 days fasting in the bush to get the power; many times when you use these words, you put yourself above God’s dear flock, maybe unintentionally; but you literally rain condemnation on them because, though not spoken out, you make them feel they can’t do those spirituals because they haven’t spent as much time as you, they haven’t paid the high price, and even some who try to give themselves to the fellowship of the Spirit begin to condemn themselves (feel unfit for use) because they have not paid such very high price as you call it, in order to get the power.

Which power exactly?

So many believers feel that until I pay the price, I don’t have the power to raise the dead, heal the sick, do the miraculous, etc.

The truth is simple, and let’s keep it that SIMPLE….. The moment you came into the Christ, you received that power, in fact, the power you got in salvation is ‘Raising The Dead Power’ (Ephesians 1:17–21; Romans 8:11).

The place of fellowship with the Father, which religion has rather tagged ‘paying high price’, a non-scriptural word, actually opens your mind to see what you already have and who you already are, and this revelation completely eliminates unbelief from your mind and allows you to live as a Superman, which is your true self in Christ.
But the more you declare yourself or feel unfit for use (which is condemnation), the more you pile up unbelief in your mind, and as Jesus says, this kind goeth not out except by prayer and fasting.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we are not ordinary in this world, we are not mere humans, mere mortals. No, one-third (1/3) of you is wall-to-wall Holy Ghost; like, you are born of the Holy Ghost, you are Full of God. And the more you stay in the place of fellowship, the more you’re able to expand this Holy Ghost part of you to other parts of your being.

Dear believer, you don’t lack power, you don’t even lack Faith because the Bible says you have the Faith of Christ; you just have much unbelief in you.
I see a church where every member heals the sick, raises the dead, and does the spirituals effortlessly.

Go out today, heal the sick, raise the dead, work miracles and walk in miracles; you are a God-man.

Freely have you received, so freely give!

Last modified: April 7, 2024