Again, we continue on some Vital Facts of the New Creation Life in Christ that the believer who has been recreated Anew in Christ Must consciously and deliberately live by on a daily basis. The Third in this series is simply

The Greater One Lives In Me

The devil and his co-travelers have often been presented in today’s Christianity as very powerful for which every prayer has a mention of them. This can only produced a set of people who go to church but live in fear. But reading through the pages of the scriptures you find that only God is presented as All Powerful in heaven, on this earth and beneath the earth.

Beloved, are you fully aware that He who is All Powerful, I mean, God Himself lives in the inside of you if Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour. My dear The Greater One Lives In The Inside Of You, therefore quite living in fear because your nature is to be Bold and fearless  – Hallelujah

Decision: I am victorious always because The Greater One lives in me

Last modified: February 29, 2024