When God delivers anyone who has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour from the bondage and slavery of the devil, He equally changes their Spiritual Location.

Before you received Jesus Christ as your Saviour, your location/address was the devil’s kingdom, he had every authority over you.

But the moment you confessed the Lordship of Christ over your life, God immediately and permanently changed your Spiritual Address/Location to the Kingdom of The Son of His Love, and the devil immediately lost his authority over you.

Beloved, you’re now seated in Heavenly Places with Christ far above the devil and all his demons. Stop living and acting as though the devil is still in control of your life both spiritually and physically. Stop making the devil the object/focus of your prayer, turn that focus/attention to Christ your New Lover – Hallelujah

Decision: My attention is on Jesus

Last modified: February 29, 2024