As we conclude the practical steps to living a worry/anxiety free life, The Holy Spirit addresses a very important aspect of our daily existence which is – Our Thought Pattern.

It is very important you understand that Thoughts are very Powerful. They go a long way to shape your life and the boldness/courage with which you confront situations. Success and failure begins first in the mind before becoming a Reality.

Therefore the Holy Spirit says to you – Fill your mind(which is the engine room of your Thought life) with only things that are – Good, True, Noble, Reputable, Gracious-The Best, Beautiful, Praiseworthy etc and not things that are – ugly, worst, or failures etc.
If you only see and think impossibilities or always think on your inabilities or disadvantages, you’re only destroying your ability to be Successful, or live a worry free life because you will not muster the strength/determination to confront situations and come out victorious.

Beloved, your Thoughts are vital to your Success, ensure you Always Meditate on the Scriptures for in them you have your Victory Strategies – Hallelujah

Decision: I will always think the scriptures

Last modified: February 29, 2024