Again, we continue on some Vital Facts of the New Creation Life in Christ that the believer who has been recreated Anew in Christ Must consciously and deliberately live by on a daily basis. The Eight in this series is simply.

I Am Not Under Any Condemnation Because I Live By The Dictates Of The Holy Spirit

To be condemned, simply means to be adjudged guilty of a crime. The devil through his many tricks has brought a deception into today’s Christianity. What’s this deception – A sense of guilt on the believer in Christ. This has made confession of sin a religious ritual to keep believers in the bondage of sin consciousness, rather than an avenue created by God to maintain the believers righteousness.
Beloved let no one deceive you, you’re not under any form of condemnation because Christ paid your sin debt in full. Thereby giving you the privilege to daily live on this earth by the dictates of the Holy Spirit – Hallelujah

Decision: I live by Holy Spirit, am free from every condemnation

Last modified: February 29, 2024