In the words of Zig Ziglar – Opportunity is often the result of accidental discoveries.
Most of the inventions that has changed the human world were brought about by the quest to improve the standard of living of the entire human race.

Some of the success stories of our world were the result of what may have appeared to be an insignificant incident. Those who turned insignificant incidents to celebrate success stories are not super humans,  rather they were people whose eyes, ears, and minds were always open to discovering opportunity in every situation or environment.

Beloved,  understand that every situation,  whether pleasant or unpleasant offers you an opportunity to recreate and improve your world. Your personal responsibility is to keep your eyes,  ears and mind open to see possibilities always and you will be amazed how far the Holy Spirit will take you – Hallelujah

Decision: I see only possibilities in every situation.

Last modified: February 29, 2024